Public Sphere Development in the Context of Interaction between the State and Civil Structures

Public Sphere Development in the Context of Interaction between the State and Civil Structures



Public sphere, state, civil society, public policy, political agenda, deliberative model, public administration, political decision-making


Public sector research has become increasingly popular in recent decades, both among the scientific community and among practitioners involved in the day-to-day processes of public administration around the world. The boundaries and functional content of the public sphere reflect the real potential of civil structures in their relations with the state in solving common issues and finding answers to modern challenges, contributing to a more flexible and cooperative state-public interaction. The degree to which the state is interested in developing and maintaining the subjective and competitive nature of the public sphere largely determines the general readiness of civil structures to actively participate in the policy pursued by state institutions, which increases its effectiveness and leads to an increase in the degree of trust of citizens in the state and the authorities as a whole. In this regard, the article considers the general theoretical positioning of the public sphere concept in modern political science, which was formed at the junction of the key classical and modern approaches to its analysis, mainly developed in scientific discourse during the XX and early XXI centuries. The evolution of the public sphere concept, the process of its historical formation and transformation, associated with numerous administrative and statistical challenges of a particular historical period, allows us to identify models of interaction between the state and civil structures, within which we trace the growth of the importance and functionality of the public sphere and its new quality in the digital age. By distinguishing four different models of state-civil interaction, it becomes possible to demonstrate the process of formation and improvement of the public sphere as a significant factor of public policy, which allows creating favorable conditions for the effective participation of civil structures in the process of forming the socio-political agenda and making political decisions that reflect the dynamics of publicly significant interests. 

Author Biographies

Artem A. Kosorukov, Lomonosov Moscow State University

PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Policy Analysis, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Daniil A. Kruglyakov , Lomonosov Moscow State University

Postgraduate student, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Public Sphere Development in the Context of Interaction between the State and Civil Structures. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 85, 211-235.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Public Sphere Development in the Context of Interaction between the State and Civil Structures. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 85, 211-235.

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