The Role of Trust in Public Relations: Institutional Aspect

The Role of Trust in Public Relations: Institutional Aspect


  • Oleg E. Kichigin Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


Trust, public relations, institution, transaction, transaction costs, social exchange


From an institutional point of view, social relations are a system of contractual relations (social exchanges), the basis of which is the implementation of a transaction, management, or rationing. At the same time, both at the pre-contract and post-contract stages, special conditions arise between the subjects of public relations, allowing them to make a positive decision on the preparation and implementation of contract relations. First of all, it refers to the phenomenon of trust. Modern scientific researches offer various approaches to the definition of trust, and its role in the formation of social relations. In general, the formation of trust is based on an analysis of the risks of non-fulfillment by the parties of their obligations in the implementation of various types of social exchange. From the point of view of institutional theory, trust is a mechanism for reducing transaction costs associated with the choice and analysis of alternative options in the development of social relations. In this case, trust is a process of harmonization of interests between the subjects of social exchange, as a result of which there is an agreement between them to implement contractual relations. At the same time, the necessary prerequisites are formed for implementing transactions, which are the movement of property rights and freedoms. As a result of the implementation of trust, the participants of social exchange have understanding that in the conditions of future uncertainty it is possible to achieve a positive result that satisfies their requirements (interests). As a mechanism of social exchange, trust is determined by the necessary level of trust, which allows the subjects of social exchange to reduce transaction costs in the process of its preparation and implementation. In this sense, trust shapes the boundaries, conditions for implementation, and restrictive mechanisms of social exchange. The paper concludes that the implementation of trust has its own characteristics, further study of which will allow the subjects of social exchange to develop effective institutional algorithms and mechanisms for its implementation.

Author Biography

Oleg E. Kichigin, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

DSc (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor of the Higher School of Administrative Management of the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

The Role of Trust in Public Relations: Institutional Aspect. (2022). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 93, 65-80.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

The Role of Trust in Public Relations: Institutional Aspect. (2022). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 93, 65-80.

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