Designing Sustainable Development Transformation Program for a Company

Designing Sustainable Development Transformation Program for a Company



Sustainable development of business, transformation program, prioritization of projects, interrelation of projects in the program, network approach, typology of projects for the transition to corporate sustainable development


The modern technogenic and profit-oriented type of economic growth has proved its failure. The impossibility of further development of the “civilization of maximization”, the search for new economic models led to the formation of the sustainable development concept, which has become a new paradigm for the evolution of mankind in the XXI century. However, scientists and politicians consider the mechanisms for the transition to sustainable development mainly at the macro level, and do not pay enough attention to corporate tasks in the field of sustainable development. Activities on the principles of sustainable development imply a transition to a new set of values, which requires a radical restructuring of all corporate business processes. To organize this work, the authors propose to launch special transformation programs for the transition of business to work on the principles of sustainable development. The article presents: organizational and strategic network model of the program; typology of projects constituting the program; principles and approaches to identifying the relationship of projects; tools for prioritizing projects, approaches to monitoring the effectiveness of the transformation program; state incentives for the adoption of corporate programs for the transition to sustainable development. The model of the transformational program is illustrated by the example of a poultry farm. This type of business is chosen as an example due to the fact that poultry farms as representatives of medium-sized businesses are among the most numerous market participants. The “shift” of medium-sized companies towards sustainable development will mean a general change in the paradigm of doing business. Moreover, the products of poultry farms are of high socio-economic significance, but their production often refers to environmentally unfavorable and energy-consuming industries, which also requires a rapid transition to sustainable development. The approach proposed in this article makes it possible to activate the initiatives of
companies to work on the principles of sustainable development, to give this activity a systemic character, to show resource-saving initiatives, to take into account the needs of human capital development and evolution of business processes, thereby increasing the value of the company

Author Biographies

Alla Z. Bobyleva, Lomonosov Moscow State University

DSc (Economics), Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Valeriy М. Anshin, HSE University

DSc (Economics), Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management, Graduate School of Business, HSE University, Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Designing Sustainable Development Transformation Program for a Company. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 88, 7-22.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Designing Sustainable Development Transformation Program for a Company. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 88, 7-22.

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