Civilizational Identity and the Identity Politics Agenda: Russian Priorities in a Transforming World Order

Civilizational Identity and the Identity Politics Agenda: Russian Priorities in a Transforming World Order


  • Irina S. Semenenko


Identity, civilization, civilizational identity, identity politics, discursive power, development policies, resources for development, identity studies.


The author offers a brief overview of the field of identity studies in political research with a focus on the significance of civilizational identity as a key concept relevant for evaluating the dynamics of political identity and the priorities of political agenda setting in a radically transforming world. The paper outlines a conceptual framework for understanding civilizational identity and assesses its role in forming the discursive power of the state and in promoting a development policy agenda. This agenda is activated by identity politics promoted by the state and other political actors to construct and uphold an array of politically significant identities which are important for social cohesion and for implementing national development goals. Correlating tradition and innovation in the social sphere is an important priority for consistent development policies. Russia has longstanding traditions of promoting a civilizational discourse reflecting her place in the Christian world and in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations, with a focus on the pivotal role of the state in social development. The research methodology is based on approaches developed in the field of identity studies. These include both the assessment of identity transformations as changing notions of the self in relation to politics in a fluid social and political environment and the implications these perceptions of societal realities have for current social policies and for promoting political change.

Author Biography

Irina S. Semenenko

DSc (Politics), Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of IMEMO RAS, Head of the Center for Comparative Socio-Economic and Political Studies of IMEMO RAS
ORCID: 0000-0003-2529-9283

Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Civilizational Identity and the Identity Politics Agenda: Russian Priorities in a Transforming World Order. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 104(S), 79-87.

How to Cite

Civilizational Identity and the Identity Politics Agenda: Russian Priorities in a Transforming World Order. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 104(S), 79-87.

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