Advantages of Factual Model of Human Capital Assessment for Purposes of Public Administration

Advantages of Factual Model of Human Capital Assessment for Purposes of Public Administration



Human capital, human resources, human capital assessment, factual assessment model, abstract assessment model, public administration, carrier of human capital, continuum of human capital assessment, knowledge economy


The accelerating technological development increases the requirements for the quantity and quality of human capital. There is no
longer any doubt that human capital is the most important type of capital that determines the role and place of countries in the
world economy. At the same time, the assessment of human capital remains a controversial issue, causing a number of difficulties.
The research is aimed at identifying the advantages of using an actual human capital assessment model. To do this, the article
identifies existing classifications of assessment models, determines the content of the human capital assessment model based on
new indicators, and proposes a classification option for the results of human capital assessment. The methodological basis of the
study was the theory of human capital, human capital assessment, labor economics, knowledge economics. The study used a set
of methods such as comparative analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and mathematical. The information base of the research
was both modern developments of practitioners, theorists, and classical works of domestic and foreign scientists, statistical data
of the Federal State Statistics Service, World Bank data, specialized literature in the field of human capital theory and accounting
of intangible assets, state regulatory legal acts. The proposed actual human capital assessment model digitizes the value of human
capital and details its constituent components. The continuum of human capital assessment is also proposed as a way of rating
classification of the organization’s personnel and population. The results of the study contribute to understanding the development
trends of evaluation models and programs of human capital, allow us to identify the advantages of using the actual model of human
capital assessment for public administration purposes.

Author Biography

Artem S. Shcherbakov, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs

Postgraduate student, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Advantages of Factual Model of Human Capital Assessment for Purposes of Public Administration. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 98, 96-113.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Advantages of Factual Model of Human Capital Assessment for Purposes of Public Administration. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 98, 96-113.

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