Promoting Employment of the Disabled as a Reserve for Increasing Demographic Dividend in Russia
Age structure, demographic dividend, employment of the disabled, Russia, economic growthAbstract
Increasing the competitiveness of the disabled in the labor market is an important task not only in terms of ensuring social justice, equality of opportunity and reducing discrimination, but also in terms of stimulating economic growth in Russia through the channel of demographic dividend. With the continuing population aging, Russia will again have to experience the decline in the share of the working-age population in the medium term. The increase in employment of the disabled is one of the ways to raise the demographic dividend in Russia, including partially offsetting its negative impact during periods of a declining share of the working-age population. Employment among people with disabilities in Russia remains low and lags behind the OECD average. The purpose of this paper is to assess the possible impact of an increase in employment of the disabled in Russia on the size of the country’s demographic dividend in 2018–2022 using official Rosstat data. The article shows that increasing the number of working people with disabilities is an important reserve for boosting the demographic dividend in Russia.
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