State Regulation of Integrated Development of Hydrocarbon Resources of the Arctic and Continental Shelf of Russia

State Regulation of Integrated Development of Hydrocarbon Resources of the Arctic and Continental Shelf of Russia


  • Sergey E. Trofimov Academy of Military Sciences


State regulation., oil and gas complex, industry, economically sustainable development, arctic shelf, continental shelf, subsoil use, hydrocarbon resources, national security, energy sustainability, technological sovereignty


The systematic formation of the Arctic region as one of the centers of geostrategic interests of the largest countries necessitated the development of a new model of state military-industrial policy, research into the complex development of oil and gas reserves of the Arctic and continental shelf as a factor in ensuring the national security and energy sustainability. The object of the research is considered from the standpoint of system-functional and complex approaches. The key areas of offshore hydrocarbon resources development are related to the use of unique technological solutions during geological exploration and drilling operations, construction of the largest transport flows and coastal infrastructure, improvement of subsurface use, and tapping the potential of indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North. The use of advanced foreign experience in the state regulation of Russian oil and gas complex is of practical interest. This involves studying the legal status of continental shelf of the Arctic countries (Denmark, Canada, Norway, USA). The Arctic region as a subject of special legal regulation requires a coordinated state policy, strengthening the legal framework of participants in economic relations. Its economically sustainable development is associated with the issues of increasing the military-industrial potential, construction of industries with a high added cost, and development of shipbuilding. The development of oil and gas fields implies increased requirements for ensuring the technical safety of production facilities, and prevention of negative impact on the ecosystem of the Arctic region. The advanced development of the Arctic territories makes a certain contribution to ensuring sustainability of the national economy and achievement of technological sovereignty.

Author Biography

Sergey E. Trofimov, Academy of Military Sciences

PhD, Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences; expert of Council for Development of Digital Economy of Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Academy of Military Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation.

ORCID: 0000-0002-7298-3486


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How to Cite

State Regulation of Integrated Development of Hydrocarbon Resources of the Arctic and Continental Shelf of Russia. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 101, 85-102.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

State Regulation of Integrated Development of Hydrocarbon Resources of the Arctic and Continental Shelf of Russia. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 101, 85-102.

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