All-Russian Civic Identity: Conceptual Foundations and Regional Implementation
State unity, civic consciousness, identity, ethnos, culture, religion, North Caucasian Federal DistrictAbstract
The article investigates the evolution of ideas concerning the importance of all-Russian civic consciousness reflected in official documents, as well as the current state of civic identity based on the material of individual regions of Russia. The subjects of the federation belonging to the North Caucasian Federal District, where negative trends associated with the political role of ethnicity are still strong, were chosen as the object of analysis. The results of a content analysis made by regional scholars led to the conclusion that, in general, the all-Russian and ethno-cultural components occupy an equal position in local identity politics. At the same time, in the laws on educational, cultural and language policy, there is a preponderance of provisions that institutionalize the ethno-cultural component. According to experts, the all-Russian identity prevails in Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Stavropol Territory and North Ossetia — Alania. Its position is much weaker in Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia. A number of researchers note that the main factor in the unity of the nation for the residents of the North Caucasus Federal District is the existence of a common state. The article analyzes the obstacles that hamper development of the all-Russian civic identity in the North Caucasus. These are, for example, the lack of the clear notions related to the contents of the civic identity and deep contradictions in understanding the common past of Russia. The all-Russian civic identity is not firmly rooted in the minds of the population and often conflicts with other forms of self-consciousness. The negative impact on the strengthening of civic identity has a violation of legal norms, clannishness, corruption, lack of social lifts, etc. All this necessitates targeted work to correct shortcomings, in which representatives of various government departments, societal organizations and expert community should unify their endeavors.
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