Professional Development of Civil Servants Digital Competencies: Russian and Foreign Experience
Digital skills, competence approach, civil servants, public administration, professional training, ICT learningAbstract
The article presents the study of the best practices in the implementation of civil servants professional training programs in the field of information technology in Russia and abroad. When considering the problem of the deficit of highly qualified personnel in the field of information technology, it was noted that public sector has a strategic goal for the professional development of civil servants’ digital skills. Professional training of employees is a driving force of the digital transformation of public administration process, which is taking place in both developed and developing countries around the world. The main goal of this article is to compare educational trajectories for civil servants’ training in digital skills abroad with similar practices in Russia. The authors created a map of 23 world scientific papers devoted to the issues of civil servants’ digital competencies and compared the topics for digital professional training of public sector employees in 11 leading countries in the field of digital competitiveness with the Russian experience in implementing successful programs of civil servants’ professional digital technology education. The choice of the leading countries in digital technologies was based on the “Digital competitiveness rating” of the International Institute for Management Development. The Russian experience of implementing successful programs of civil servants’ professional education was based on two cases which are the University 20.35 and the Higher School of Public Administration of RANEPA. The results show the differences in the directions of public sector employees’ training programs in the field of information technology in Russia and in foreign countries.
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