Personnel Training in Russian Organizations in the Sphere of Culture and Art

Personnel Training in Russian Organizations in the Sphere of Culture and Art



Personnel training, organizations in the sphere of culture and art, diagnostics of educational needs of personnel, training program, active learning methods


Along with many domestic organizations, organizations in the sphere of culture and art are interested in replenishing and updating the knowledge and skills of employees as well as their regular training. “The presence of employees who have passed advanced training and (or) professional retraining” is one of the effectiveness indicators for the federal state budgetary, autonomous institutions of culture and arts activities, and their managers’ performance. The choice of training programs for personnel engaged in the sphere of culture and art should be preceded by a diagnosis of the educational needs of employees, which allows organizing training according to their demand for the subject of educational programs, teaching methods, format and duration of classes. The questionnaire developed by us aims at diagnosing the educational needs of employees of organizations in the sphere of culture and art. It includes blocks of questions about the willingness of employees to participate in training programs, their needs for knowledge and competence development, priority teaching methods for them, their experience of participating in training events and preferred conditions for training. The conducted testing of the questionnaire showed that it is an informative, fast and convenient way to obtain information about the educational needs of respondents; it can be easily adapted for use in any organizations in the sphere of culture and art. The results allowed us to outline the areas for improving existing personnel training programs. It expanded the subject of training
programs for organizations in the sphere of culture and art’s employees, enhanced the training programs’ content to contain professional characteristics and seize the needs of potential listeners. It was also effective in conducting education process using active learning methods such as trainings, master classes and discussions. Lastly, the results ensured the practical orientation of educational programs and optimized the duration, time and format of training.

Author Biographies

Ekaterina V. Batovrina

PhD, Associate Professor, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Polina K. Nazarova

Master’s degree student, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Personnel Training in Russian Organizations in the Sphere of Culture and Art. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 100, 211-223.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Personnel Training in Russian Organizations in the Sphere of Culture and Art. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 100, 211-223.

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