The Role of Private Military Companies and Volunteer Formations in the Military Conflict in Ukraine as a Part of the Western Hybrid War against Russia
Russia, private military companies, mercenaries, volunteers, special military operation, Ukraine, the collective West, hybrid wars.Abstract
The paper examines the issue of mercenaries and private military companies (PMC) participation as well as volunteer formations, in the conflict in Ukraine as a part of a hybrid war unleashed by the collective West against Russia. It was revealed that mercenaries from dozens of countries are acting on the side of the Kiev regime whose main functions are to participate in battles, provide instructions, and carry out punitive actions as barrier detachments. At the same time, it is shown that the training of mercenaries for battles against Russia took place in advance even before the special military operation. It was established that the number of mercenaries does not exceed 2–3% of the total number of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other Ukrainian paramilitary formations. The use of mercenaries as barrier detachments was revealed due to the drop in the motivation level of mobilized soldiers of the Kyiv regime. It was shown that PMCs are actively participating in combat operations on the side of the Ukrainian forces. It was concluded that the use of mercenaries and PMCs is an important element of hybrid wars. It is suggested that NATO military personnel are acting under the guise of mercenaries on the side of the Kyiv regime. The paper also shows the specifics of recruiting volunteers in the interests of the Joint Group of Russian Forces in the area of the special military operation. Russian PMCs, in particular Wagner Group, play an important role in achieving Russia’s goals in the conflict in Ukraine and in other regions of the world where Russian interests are present. It is concluded that the specifics of these organizations allow them to be used as an important tool in the confrontation with the collective West which has unleashed a new type of total hybrid war against Russia.
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