Identification of Sustainable Development Elements of Innovative Infrastructure for Creating Automated Information System in Healthcare

Identification of Sustainable Development Elements of Innovative Infrastructure for Creating Automated Information System in Healthcare



Analytical system, biomedicine, infrastructure, innovation policy, elements of sustainable development


Making effective management decisions is impossible without the possession of up-to-date information. The lack of unified automatic analytical systems in certain industries leads to incorrect initiatives in the formation of strategic documents. Subsequently, this is reflected in the asymmetry of the industry development. Areas with already formed infrastructure continue to develop due to attracted investments while areas where such infrastructure is not formed require significant investments. The main reason for this uneven development is the lack of awareness of the authorities about the current situation in the industry. An information analytical system can help to overcome the difficulties that have arisen, in which the dynamics of changes in the elements of the sustainable development model is displayed in a timely manner. To date, there are no formulated tasks and elements of the model in the industry. The paper lists the tasks, the implementation of which at various levels of government should ensure the uniform development of the biomedicine industry in the Russian Federation. The main elements of the sustainable development of innovative healthcare infrastructure are identified and the current state of each of the listed elements is described. While preparing the publication, significant work has been done to study and systematize the objects of the innovative healthcare infrastructure.  Analysis of the collected information allows us to assess the degree of industry development as actively developing. The implementation of the proposed system will require significant efforts to select the necessary sources of information and configure access to them. It will also be necessary to organize the storage, structuring and optimal type of data provision. In future based on this work it will be possible to create a specialized automatic analytical system for assessing the development of the innovative healthcare infrastructure in order to form and make informed management decisions using complete and up-to-date data.

Author Biography

Mikhail S. Arbatsky, Lomonosov Moscow State University

PhD applicant, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Research intern, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University Lomonosov, Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Identification of Sustainable Development Elements of Innovative Infrastructure for Creating Automated Information System in Healthcare. (2022). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 93, 96-107.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Identification of Sustainable Development Elements of Innovative Infrastructure for Creating Automated Information System in Healthcare. (2022). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 93, 96-107.

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