Human Capital: Economic Nature and Influence of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Sustainability during the Period of Civilization Transformation

Human Capital: Economic Nature and Influence of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Sustainability during the Period of Civilization Transformation


  • Marianna V. Kudina


Human capital, self-increasing value, digitalization, artificial intelligence, civilization transformation, sustainable development, innovation process.


Human capital management mechanisms are rapidly developing due to the dynamic nature of socio-economic changes and the emergence of innovative technological solutions. The transition to a new stage in the development of civilization means a change in people’s attitude to creating a material basis and ensuring existence. Most of the functions of people will eventually move into the phase of creative creation and management of these relationships, rather than direct participation in them. These trends are intensifying with the development and widespread dissemination of artificial intelligence, to which people begin to transfer an increasing number of functions to ensure the material basis for their own existence and development. The nature of labor is changing, and, consequently, the requirements for human capital are changing. Studying the nature of human capital as a self-increasing value and identifying the internal laws of innovative development make it possible to build a human resource management system in the context of sustainability by identifying the core of this system, the internal impulse and the mechanism of its dynamic development. Which is of particular importance for leveling risks and preventing the negative consequences of new challenges of our time. The transformation of modern society can be considered from this point of view as a transition period to a new view at human and his/her relationship with the environment, including human’s attitude to himself and his/her own environment (both personal and business), to nature, to the state and the world order.

Author Biography

Marianna V. Kudina

DSc (Economics), Professor, Deputy Dean for Research, Head of the Department of Economics of Innovative Development, Scientific Director of the Center for Innovative Design, Professor of the Faculty of Management, Shenzhen MSU-BIT University (PRC)
ORCID: 0000-0003-3923-515Х

School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Human Capital: Economic Nature and Influence of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Sustainability during the Period of Civilization Transformation. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 104(S), 34-48.

How to Cite

Human Capital: Economic Nature and Influence of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Sustainability during the Period of Civilization Transformation. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 104(S), 34-48.

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