Creatosphere of Human-Oriented Economy: Conceptual Foundations of Management
Creatosphere, human-oriented economy, human-centered economy, management, homeostat, expanded model of compensatory homeostat.Abstract
Currently, numerous studies are focusing on identifying the key factors of economic growth in modern Russia, the main ones among which are creativity and human creative work. Due to the actualization of the human role in the economy, the creatosphere, through diverse and numerous ideas, becomes the basis not only for the formation and development of a human-oriented economy, but also for the full satisfaction of various human needs. The creatosphere is essentially a creative lever for human development and a human-oriented economy, therefore, the issue of managing the creatosphere becomes especially relevant. The aim of this study is to develop a conceptual framework for managing the creatosphere as a structural element of a human-oriented economy. The research method is an expanded model of compensatory homeostat. The methodological basis of the research is the theory of human-oriented economics. As a result, the creatosphere was identified in the categories of the expanded model of compensatory homeostat (the object of management is the creatosphere; the components-antagonists of the creatosphere are the cultural and innovative spheres; the supreme governing body is the federal authorities; the subject of management is the regional authorities; the block of additional activation and adaptation is the subjects indirectly influencing the creatosphere; the “input” of the model is the development of the creatosphere with the help of basic resources; the “output” of the model is a creative person); the main areas of management impacts on the creatosphere (resource management, communications management, additional support) are identified. The presented research results become the basis for further scientific research in the field of the creatosphere and the construction of a full-fledged theory of a human-oriented economy. Practical significance is defined by the fact that the conceptual foundations of creatosphere management provide a basis for the development of targeted support measures for its progressive development.
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