Государственное управление. Электронный вестник

University as an Ambidextrous Organization


  • Aleksandra A. Sidorova





Organizational ambidexterity, university, strategic management, exploration and exploitation, innovation management, organizational ambidexterity prerequisites.


The article analyzes the university activities (using the example of Lomonosov Moscow State University) from the standpoint of the organizational ambidexterity concept, which is based on the search for an optimal balance between basic and incremental innovations. The main prerequisites for four types of ambidexterity are identified: sequential (ensuring punctuated equilibrium), structural (creation of dual structures, development of a quality management system), contextual (organizational culture and behavioral factors, support for meta-routines, a system of labor incentives and career growth) and interorganizational (market orientation and proactivity, creation of alliances). A distinctive feature of ambidexterity at the university is the organic combination of its three main types: structural, contextual and interorganizational, the development of which is achieved by its own supporting mechanisms. Such interweaving of three types of ambidexterity allows ensuring the efficiency of the university activities and minimizing the likelihood of conflict between exploration and exploitation. In this case, the decisive role is played by behavioral factors — the unity of the university management, stimulating not only researchers, but also lecturers, postgraduates and students to create innovations, as well as the specifics of the individual behavior of the employees themselves, who are able to flexibly adapt to the changing external and internal environment by periodically shifting the focus from exploration to exploitation activities, and vice versa. The prerequisites and supporting mechanisms discussed in the article can serve as a guide for the creation and development of ambidexterity in organizations operating in other sectors of the economy. At the same time, the optimal balance between exploration and exploitation is of particular importance in partner organizations of the university, as it allows for the creation of more effective collaborative relationships. The development of organizational ambidexterity will thus have a positive impact on increasing the effectiveness of research consortia.

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Scientific articles


How to Cite

Sidorova, A.A. (2025) “University as an Ambidextrous Organization”, Public Administration. E-journal (Russia), (108), pp. 172–184. doi:10.55959/MSU2070-1381-108-2025-172-184.

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