Modern Hotel Industry Formation as the Basis of Tourism Industry
Tourism, hospitality, hotel chains, quality of service, state support, , promotion of tourist activity of the populationAbstract
The article is devoted to the problems of developing Russian hotel chains as the basis of the tourism and hospitality industry infrastructure. The relevance of the problem is defined by the need to increase the tourism sector contribution to improving the conditions and quality of life of the population, organizing recreation and improving people’s health. The article presents the results of an analytical study of Russian hotel chains features on the example of two leading companies — Azimut Hotels and Amaks Hotels&Resorts. In the course of the study, methods of comparative analysis, sample observations, and SWOT analysis were used. The elements of the article novelty include disclosure of the opportunities and challenges of developing the industry of tourism and hospitality in modern conditions of economic instability and pandemics, the definition of the Russian hotel chains features in the development and dissemination of high corporate quality standards, digital transformation and the introduction of modern technologies in order to better personalize the customer's requirements, and increase the level of customer satisfaction, gain a multiplier impact on the economy. As a result, the author provides conclusions and recommendations on further development and implementation of a set of measures of state support and promotion of domestic tourism which include subsidizing consumer spending on booking transport tickets and accommodation facilities, strengthening information and advertising support for the offer of tourist services on domestic routes, promoting the digital transformation of the hotel industry, stimulating the formation of domestic hotel chains through a system of tax and credit measures, preferential land and premises rental, subsidies, grants, professional competitions, etc.
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