Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Experience of Project Management in the E-Government Concept Implementation
E-government, project management, benchmarking, public administration, social effectAbstract
Public administration, like any other process, is undergoing a number of changes today in conditions when the external management environment is becoming more volatile. In such conditions, the subject of management needs to show a high degree of flexibility, sensitivity and ability to adjust and stabilize the situation. Public administration, as a process characterized by a high level of bureaucratization, centralization of power and strict hierarchy, is extremely difficult to maneuver and adapt methods, tools, as well as goals and objectives in such conditions. However, today it is possible to observe the actualization of such a type of management as project management, not only in the commercial industry, but also within the framework of state functions implementation. This article raises the issue of the effectiveness of project management in the framework of digitalization of public administration in Russia and foreign countries. In the course of the analysis of domestic and foreign experience, a comparison of project documentation, implementation results, as well as features of project execution is carried out. The article analyzes the effectiveness of government spending on digitalization of public power. This analysis made it possible to evaluate the financial activity of each state under study in comparison with the resulting social effect. This research allowed us to single out in one category the successful experience of implementing the concept of e-government, including competent planning of activities, correct prioritization of implementation and implementation of rational measures of state support; in another category we can single out the unsuccessful experience of both Russia and other countries in the functioning of e-government. In conclusion, the article presents recommendations formed based on the analysis done and the method of benchmarking, which will contribute to increasing the pace of development of the digital state environment in Russia.
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