Science and State Scientific Policy in the Discourse of Scientific Integrity

Science and State Scientific Policy in the Discourse of Scientific Integrity



Scientific integrity, state scientific integrity policy, research integrity, research misconduct, fabrication, falsification and plagiarism (FFP), sloppy science


The discussion of the growing problems in the field of science is actively conducted in the discourse of scientific integrity — scientific honesty / scientific fairness. This is a term of political, public discourse that does not have a clear scientific definition and content. The article shows the “umbrella” nature of the term “scientific integrity”, which made it possible, in the conditions of a sharp increase in politicization, commercialization and ideologization of science, to unite scientific discussion and direct scientific policy to promote “responsible” research, “appropriate” scientific practices. In this regard, along with the concept of scientific integrity (SI), the concept of research integrity (RI) is beginning to be actively used. A distinction is made between these concepts. The article analyzes the formation and development of the discourse and policy of scientific honesty, mainly in the USA — “attacks” on science, the emergence of a policy of scientific honesty and its implementation in the activities of federal scientific agencies, other efforts to overcome the “crisis of scientific honesty”; the breakdown of the scientific integrity policy under President Trump and the Biden administration’s efforts to bring it back and strengthen it. The rapid development and institutionalization of the discourse and policy of scientific integrity is shown: the creation of a sufficiently powerful infrastructure of research integrity both at the national and international levels, national and international organizations and conferences on research integrity, guiding documents, codes and scientific publications. The crisis of scientific honesty in the article is considered not just as an internal problem of science, but as a more fundamental problem — as a manifestation of the disturbed institutional balance in the relationship between science and government, the market and society, the acute conflict of loyalties of a scientist that has emerged on this basis, the manifestation of which is the problem of scientific honesty and its severity. The discourse of scientific (especially research) honesty turns out to be too narrow for the analysis of the existing problems here and the problems arising in this regard. Based on expert surveys, the discrepancy between the official discourse and the policy of scientific honesty (including RI) and the concerns of scientists, especially in academic research structures, with their vision of deeper systemic reasons for the crisis of scientific honesty and injustice and the unjustifiability of the “distribution” of responsibility for this crisis with a disproportionate shift towards science and scientists is shown. Such discrepancies, together with limited opportunities for institutionalizing the policy of scientific honesty in university research communities with classical academic standards of responsibility and their “epistemic practices” that do not need external control, gradually blur the credibility of the discourse and the legitimacy of the policy of scientific honesty and reveal its “conventionality” and historical limitations.

Author Biography

Larisa G. Sudas

DSc (Philosophy), Professor, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Science and State Scientific Policy in the Discourse of Scientific Integrity. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 100, 30-46.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Science and State Scientific Policy in the Discourse of Scientific Integrity. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 100, 30-46.

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