Andrey Andreevich Andreev — First Supervisor of the Soviet Housing Cooperation (1924–1925)

Andrey Andreevich Andreev — First Supervisor of the Soviet Housing Cooperation (1924–1925)



A.A. Andreev, Soviet housing cooperation, housing crisis, XIII Congress of the RCP(b), national economy of the USSR


The article analyses the activity of the Soviet party figure A.A. Andreev in the field of housing cooperation. The aims is to identify his contribution to the formation and development of the new cooperative movement. The article is based on the archival materials, periodicals and memoirs, which are being introduced into science for the first time. In order to reach the aim, the author applied a systematic approach to the analysis of the sources, historical-typological, historical-genetic, historical-psychological methods. In February 1924 A.A. Andreev, who had held the post of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Union of Railway Workers before that time, became the Secretary of the Central Committee responsible for the development of the housing cooperation in the USSR. During his work in the Secretariat of the Central Committee he made a number of statements both on the pages of newspapers and from the tribunes of Party forums, in which he formulated a program of developing the Soviet housing cooperation. It implied the collective participation of party, economic, trade union and Komsomol structures in overcoming the housing crisis. At the same time, A.A. Andreev’s personal position was extremely vague and compromising. This did not contribute to strengthening the new form of housing construction in the system of the Soviet national economy and put it in a dependent position on the above-mentioned structures. The subject under consideration is a particular manifestation of a specific type of the Soviet economic manager. Further refinement and specification of the typology is possible if we study the entire multifaceted activity of A.A. Andreev in the highest Party and administrative positions, as well as its comparison with the work of other Soviet leaders.

Author Biography

Ruslan Yu. Chervyakov

Postgraduate student, History Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Senior editor of Great Russian Encyclopedia, Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Andrey Andreevich Andreev — First Supervisor of the Soviet Housing Cooperation (1924–1925). (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 100, 62-72.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Andrey Andreevich Andreev — First Supervisor of the Soviet Housing Cooperation (1924–1925). (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 100, 62-72.

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