Neurointerfaces in Public Administration: Opportunities and Limitations

Neurointerfaces in Public Administration: Opportunities and Limitations



Neurotechnologies, neurointerface, neurocommunications, neurosensing, neuro discrimination, neurosecurity


The study of the modern nomenclature of neurointerfaces is aimed at determining the technological horizons of the transformation of public administration, while it becomes particularly relevant in connection with the adoption of the roadmap for the development of “end-to-end” digital technology “Neurotechnologies and Artificial Intelligence”. Close attention to the development of neurotechnologies reflects the desire of the Russian Federation Government to respond qualitatively to the growth of the global market of neurointerfaces and on a sovereign technological basis to make an innovative transition to a new system of man-machine interaction, providing civil servants with the opportunity to perform administrative operations more efficiently. In this regard, the aim of the study is to reveal and visualize technical capabilities and limitations, potential risks from the introduction of neural interfaces into public administration practice. Taking into account the growth of software and technical solutions based on neurotechnologies, research methods include a cognitive method evaluating technological methods of application and likely negative consequences from the introduction of neurotechnologies, a method for visualizing mechanisms and technologies for the introduction of neurotechnologies both at the level of software solutions and at the technological level of neurointerfaces, a method of expert survey of representatives of the academic community of Russia using Google-tables. The results of the study suggest that, with all the diversity of the development of neurotechnologies in the field of public administration, computer vision technologies for identification and verification of personality, technologies of intelligent analysis and speech synthesis, technologies of recommendation systems and the creation of virtual assistants, technologies of machine learning, technologies of neuromanagement of communications and human motor activity, technologies of neurotracking, cognitive enhancement and the creation of mixed human-machine teams can be successfully implemented in the coming years. The potential negative consequences of the introduction of neurotechnologies into the practice of public administration determine the directions for further research of neurointerfaces related to issues of ensuring neuropsecurity, protection against neurodiscrimination and algorithmic bias, forecasting the effects of neurostimulation and cognitive improvement, preserving the neuropsychic integrity of a person and the integrity of his/her neurological profile.

Author Biography

Artem A. Kosorukov, Lomonosov Moscow State University

PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Analysis, Faculty of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation. 


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How to Cite

Neurointerfaces in Public Administration: Opportunities and Limitations. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 97, 155-173.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Neurointerfaces in Public Administration: Opportunities and Limitations. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 97, 155-173.

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