Formation of Measures for the Advanced Development of Scientific and Technical Potential of Manufacturing Industry in Russia
Scientific and technical potential, manufacturing industry, innovation development model, national innovation system, development mechanisms.Abstract
The article is devoted to the formation of measures for implementing mechanisms to ensure the advanced development of scientific and technical potential of manufacturing industries in Russia in the model of innovation development “open innovator” based on the principles of the concept of “smart specialization”. The methodological basis of the study is the model of innovation development “open innovator” based on the combination of linear and non-linear models of innovation development with the definition of the framework conditions, the role and place of “open innovator”, the provisions of the consolidated strategy for developing the manufacturing industry, the measures of the strategy of scientific and technological development and the concept of technological development of the Russian Federation. Methods of work include analysis of scientific literature, normative and legal acts; vectorial method of calculation of value and expediency of achievement of the set management goal; systematisation of measures. The advanced development of the scientific and technical potential of the Russian manufacturing industry is presented in the model of innovation development “open innovator”, which is based on the combination of linear and non-linear models of innovation development with the definition of the framework conditions, the role and place of the “open innovator”, considered by the authors as a conceptual basis for the formation of both the national innovation system, and regional and sectoral innovation systems. The components of the scientific and technological potential of the Russian manufacturing industry are defined: organisational, material and financial potential, the development of which will ensure the advanced growth of the scientific and technological potential of the Russian manufacturing industry. The principles of the concept of “smart specialisation” are proposed as mechanisms of advanced development of the scientific and technical potential of the manufacturing industry in Russia. Measures for the implementation of mechanisms to ensure the advanced development of scientific and technical potential of Russia’s manufacturing industry from the position of the industrial system and from the position of the innovator in the “open innovator” model of innovation development were developed.
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