Features of Creative Industries Development in Modern Economic Policy
Creative industries, cultural industries, creative economy, public policy, institutional classificationAbstract
The promotion of creative industries in the domestic economy has been gaining popularity from year to year over the past 10 years. Nevertheless, despite the presence of significant creative and intellectual potential, the process of recognizing human abilities as a full-fledged component of the socio-economic formation of regions faces a number of problems, for the solution of which it is necessary to develop new scientific and ideological approaches that correspond not only to modern realities, but also capable of developing in the future. The purpose of the article is to study the features of forming creative industries, taking into account their impact on the development of the Russian creative economy. The relevance of the creative industries development in the Russian Federation is explained by the presence of economic content in the process of production and commercialization of creative content, endowed with its own growth characteristics in international practice. The main methods of studying the development of the creative economy in Russia were: the concrete historical method (to reveal the genesis of the concept of “creative industries”); the method of systematization and generalization (for a comprehensive review of the mechanisms of state assistance to the development of the creative economy); the method of document analysis (for studying legislation in the field under study); the method of analysis and synthesis (for the study of foreign practice on the presented topic); the method of logical generalization (for the development of conclusions and recommendations in the field of improving public policy in the direction of the development of creative industries according to modern global trends). The study of state policy in the field of creative industries has been further developed, and the directions for improving this state policy in the context of the deployment of creative transformations have been determined. As a result of the analysis of the theoretical base of creative industries, the main terms and concepts are outlined, among which: creative industries, creative economy, etc. The assessment of the development of the international practice of creative economy indicates the presence of certain interactions with creative industries, including: economic development, trade, regional economic planning, labor market policy, domestic and foreign investments, technology and communications, social issues, education. As directions of development of creative industries, it is necessary to highlight the need to create a favorable institutional system, expand the legislative framework, support SMEs, state programs to promote investment.
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