Fostering Respectful Attitude towards Nuclear Industry
Nuclear energy, wide public, influencers, respectful attitude towards nuclear energy, environmental pollutionAbstract
The authors of this article would like to draw scientists’ attention to one of the most important national problems, namely, the need of changing the source of energy from hydrocarbons to environmentally friendly nuclear power production. It is noted that all the creature comforts of the modern world are available because of the power production industry, but at the same time this industry causes environment pollution and, probably, global warming. The scientists have come to the idea that the humanity should stop burning hydrocarbons and start using nuclear as the only environment friendly source of energy. Nevertheless, people are still far from understanding this problem. The significant part of the population believes that it is possible to solve ecological problems with solar and wind energy. The paper shows the need of broad masses respectful attitude towards nuclear industry, nevertheless in many countries the majority is not even loyal to it. It is noted that if respectful attitude towards nuclear industry will be fostered among wide public and influencers (such as teachers, journalists, deputies, local authority specialists), it will inevitably be promoted to the population and, first of all, to the school kids and the youth, who will soon determine the main trends in the state development. As a result, the new generation of the youth, who will soon be the key stakeholders, will be loyal to the nuclear. For this reason, it is proposed to promote the idea of respectful attitude towards nuclear industry among teachers, school children, and influencers. The sources of positive information about nuclear industry for journalists, deputies, and bloggers, interested in retaining and increasing the audience, are provided. The necessity of introducing such a specific discipline as Radio-environmental awareness is shown. In the recent years the great amount of reliable information has been processed and arranged. It can be used to work with various groups of people and a number of teaching techniques, that can be used for such a course, have been developed.
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