State Youth Policy in Recruitment System of Political Leader
Youth, state youth policy, youth political leadership, recruitment system, state policy, political elite.Abstract
The article contains the results of a study, the aim of which was to identify the role of youth policy in the system of recruiting political leaders. In the text, the authors analyze the features of the formation and stages of development of youth policy as a part of state policy aimed at supporting young people and realizing their interests. The article describes existing programs and projects designed not only to support young people, but also to help identify, develop and support their political potential and, consequently, the formation of youth political leadership in Russia. The paper presents the results of an expert survey conducted by the authors in 2023, the aim of which was to determine the features of state youth policy as a tool for the formation and identification of the leadership potential of youth, as well as the integration of its representatives into the country’s political elite through the system of recruiting youth political leaders. As a result, the authors came to the conclusion that recently there has been an evolution of state youth policy in the indicated manner. It acts as the primary mechanism of socialization in the field of political leadership, providing opportunities for building a career in various fields of activity, including in the field of public policy and public administration. At the same time, as a result of the study, the authors came to the conclusion about the fragmented nature of its implementation, expressed in the difference between the declared and actual levels, which meanwhile makes it possible to build career trajectories and social elevators for a certain category of young people, forming the first level of the pool for recruiting political leaders.
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