Main Directions of Modern Transformation and Modernization of Russian Society, Ways to Overcome the Systemic Crisis in the Context of Technological Revolution: Alternative Strategic Development Models

Main Directions of Modern Transformation and Modernization of Russian Society, Ways to Overcome the Systemic Crisis in the Context of Technological Revolution: Alternative Strategic Development Models


  • Vladimir I. Shmakov


Management, models, civilization, systemic crisis, market economy, planned system, transformation, modernization, industrialization, technological revolution, progress, labor productivity, socio-political situation, security, ideology, sustainable development, sovereignty.


At the present stage of Russia’s development in the prevailing historical conditions, a period of deep conceptual transformations has begun, measures are being taken to free it from its continued dependence on crisis global processes, from the globalism policy of developed imperialist countries. Today, after three periods of permanent systemic crisis, through which Russia went from the early 80s to the early 2000s, the country is emerging from this dependence, returning to its mental ideological and cultural foundations, to state-political, economic, scientific, technical and technological sovereignty, to the status of a world power, renewed civilization, towards the consolidation of society. This period is characterized as a period of transformation and new modernization of society. The article, based on new approaches and methods of a comprehensive historical, sociological and formational-civilizational analysis of the problems of society’s development, examines the issues of the new modernization of society that has begun, analyzes and evaluates the persistent manifestations of the systemic crisis, issues of implementing an innovative anti-crisis management strategy, strategic planning and strategic management. Possible forecasts and alternatives for social development are considered. These processes require a clear, meaningful choice and implementation of a long-term strategy for the dynamic, innovative development of knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy, labor productivity growth, production recovery based on new reindustrialization and the industrial revolution, the development and implementation of achievements of the fifth technological order, scientific, technical, technological, information revolution, the formation of new scientific, human resources, including in the areas of governance of society and the state, ensuring comprehensive security and sovereignty of society and the state, regulatory support for these processes. This implies the choice of a new socio-economic, formational and civilizational model for further progressive development, taking into account positive domestic and foreign experience, and the corresponding ideological basis for these transformations. All this is becoming an urgent issue for the entire spectrum of social and social sciences, for educational practices.

Author Biography

Vladimir I. Shmakov

PhD, Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0001-4674-1432

School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Main Directions of Modern Transformation and Modernization of Russian Society, Ways to Overcome the Systemic Crisis in the Context of Technological Revolution: Alternative Strategic Development Models. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 105, 93-104.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Main Directions of Modern Transformation and Modernization of Russian Society, Ways to Overcome the Systemic Crisis in the Context of Technological Revolution: Alternative Strategic Development Models. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 105, 93-104.

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