Educational Migration of Women from Muslim Countries
Educational migration, Muslim women, educational mobility, cultural dislocation, discrimination.Abstract
With globalization and changes in educational systems, educational migration is becoming an important tool to overcome the social and economic barriers faced by Muslim women. The relevance of the study as an important social phenomenon is defined by the need for a deep scientific analysis of educational mobility growth of Muslim women and their socialization into the host society. The article is devoted to the study of the main directions of scientific discourse of this process, as well as the factors and consequences that reflect social changes and have a significant impact on the socio-economic development of countries. The study focuses on the problems that hinder the successful integration into culture and adaptation into society of Muslim women who come to study in other countries. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of taking into account the full range of influencing factors in order to develop effective policies and programs aimed at supporting Muslim women in the process of migration and integration into educational systems. A necessary long-term research and directions for further development of scientific knowledge about the educational migration of women from Muslim countries are identified: mechanisms of adaptation of Muslim women to new cultural conditions, the impact of sociocultural disorganization on academic performance and mental health, individual practices, migration policies of receiving and sending countries.
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