Features of Government Institutions Functioning in the Context of Internet Development as a Space of Political Communications

Features of Government Institutions Functioning in the Context of Internet Development as a Space of Political Communications


  • Albina B. Romashkina Lomonosov Moscow State University


Internet communication, political communication, institutions of power, manipulation of public consciousness, political control, new forms of totalitarianism


This article is devoted to determining the features of how Internet development as a political communication space influences functioning of traditional government institutions in the context of the intensive development of modern technologies and forms of political communication. To achieve this goal, the article uses the studies of language and communication by L. Wittgenstein, M. Foucault, and the postmodern analysis of J. Baudrillard, as well as the communicative approach and methods of functional analysis in the study of communication impact on functioning of government institutions. On the basis of philosophical and political communicative research and a communicative approach, the importance of communication in the processes of government institutions functioning is determined. The role of “language games” in the processes of political communication is revealed, the importance of political coding in the processes of establishing and legitimizing power is shown, as well as the influence of “opinion leaders” and the social environment in the processes of influencing mass consciousness. Based on the communicative and network approach, the analysis of the Internet as a space of communication interactions between various political actors and between citizens is carried out. The risks and threats of forming global actors of influence on political processes are identified, the role of network communities in political communication is revealed, the analysis of “destruction of truth” phenomenon and the role of “opinion leaders” in the processes of this phenomenon formation is carried out. The threats of creating new forms of digitaltotalitarianism are identified, the factors of political regimes destabilization and the loss of power legitimacy are identified. The author concludes that a new challenge for the institutions of power is the emergence of new global actors of influence on political processes. The results of the study also showed that the use of traditional methods of communication to counteract the “destruction of truth” and political recoding is ineffective, and therefore it is necessary for government institutions to actively represent their activities on the Internet in order to preserve their legitimacy by translating value-semantic meanings into the public and individual consciousness.

Author Biography

Albina B. Romashkina, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Рostgraduate student, Department of Public Policy, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation.



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How to Cite

Features of Government Institutions Functioning in the Context of Internet Development as a Space of Political Communications. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 86, 158-177. https://spajournal.ru/index.php/spa/article/view/189



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Features of Government Institutions Functioning in the Context of Internet Development as a Space of Political Communications. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 86, 158-177. https://spajournal.ru/index.php/spa/article/view/189

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