Awareness-Raising as a Tool in Developing the Atomic Industry
Ecology, global warming, uranium hexafluoride, civil society, public, public organizationsAbstract
In the present paper, the authors aim at focusing the scientific community on the urgent needs to change the public attitudes towards the atomic industry. One of the possible ways to achieve this aim is to increase the scope of the outreach in support of the industry development. This will be a response to one of the major challenges of the day: environmental pollution of the planet and global warming that are aggravated even further by the impact of human activity. Uranium hexafluoride handling was used as an example to adduce arguments for any form of public debates on the nuclear industry issues including supply of uranium for energy production with closed fuel cycle and recycling. This makes it possible to increase the fuel resources by two orders of magnitude and reduce the amount of wastes. The response to the challenge will become of particular relevance during a period of several decades, therefore the appropriate awarenessraising activities involving young people and students should be initiated in advance because they will become active participants of social development and determine the growth area of their country in the nearest future. It was forecasted that in the near term, uranium rather than hydrocarbon energy carrier would become the most commercially successful product. The price of the accumulated depleted hexafluoride using the energy units that remain virtually unchanged is calculated. It is also demonstrated that the available accumulated resources of the nuclearpurity uranium in the form of hexafluoride can be regarded as a ready-to-use energy carrier capable of meeting a modern civilization need in energy for a century. The arguments proposed should be used in the outreach focused on the young people and students, the influential groups and all the population. Greater awareness-raising will facilitate the needed social attitude towards the nuclear energy and the atomic industry that will further emerge as a driving force for their development.
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