Digital Competencies of a Recruiter
Competence, expertise, digital competencies, recruiter, digitalization, professional standardAbstract
The introduction of digital technologies leads to profound changes in the professional requirements for recruiters. These changes are manifested not only in the addition of new knowledge. They also cause the emergence of completely new recruiter functions and the loss of some functions and tasks that would seem to be an integral part of the profession. There are some approaches that suggest that digital systems must not only search for and evaluate candidates, but also make the final decision about the employment. These approaches should be taken into account, because digital tools play a key role in organizations and influence its development. As a result, it is necessary to determine new competences of a recruiter which allow them to maintain high professionalism. Thus, the aim of the article is to determine the current competencies of the recruiter necessary for working with digital technologies. Summarizing information from various sources, including the results of content analysis of job advertisements for recruiters, allowed us to compile a list of the most significant digital competencies of a recruiter in the context of digitalization of this profession. The research allowed concluding that digital tools are not only formal requirements but essential characteristic of job responsibilities. Moreover, it is shown that some new issues connected with digitalization of recruitment process appear.
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