Role of Soft Power Technologies in Activities of UN Women
Soft power, soft power technologies, public diplomacy, UN, UN system, UN Women, women’s political leadership, women in politics, gender issueAbstract
The article deals with the main soft power technologies in the activities of the entity of the General Assembly of the United Nations known as UN Women. The main communication strategies aimed at promoting the ideas of gender equality and the empowerment of women are considered. The activities of the institution within the educational, value and rating tracks are studied in detail. The attention of the researchers is drawn to the way in which UN Women responds to new challenges, forming an agenda on gender issues that affects almost all actors in the international space, to the methods and channels of spreading the value orientations of the institution. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the organization’s activities over the entire history of its existence, to determine the main mechanisms for disseminating ideas of gender equality and the empowerment of women. The authors come to a conclusion that the use of soft power strategies and technologies is the main element of UN Women’s influence on the opinion of the world community on gender issues. The application of these technologies allows not only increasing the recognition of the structure, but also boosting its expert potential in gender issues. Due to the successful application of soft power strategies and technologies, the organization legitimizes its activities through the universal recognition and acceptance of the promoted values and thus indirectly exerts pressure on political leaders of participating countries in order to increase the importance of gender inequality issues on the national agenda. Thanks to soft power technologies, UN Women is one of the most significant elements of the international agenda in gender issues.
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