Economic Crises and Change of Management Paradigm

Economic Crises and Change of Management Paradigm



Global crisis, strategic planning, economic cybernetics, productive forces of society, monetarism


The current nature of economic development at both the national and supranational levels is subject to certain laws. In modern Russia, which, after the collapse of the USSR, abandoned the planned system and switched to the so-called free market model, the laws of the capitalist system became the defining laws of economic development. Crises are considered an integral attribute of the capitalist economy evolution. It is assumed that crises basically perform a positive function, enabling the economy to “recover”. However, the experience of recent years has made it clear that the destructive potential of crises will only increase. Moreover, the threat exists both for Russia, for which the issue of changing the management and planning system is not ripe, but rather “overripe”, and for European countries, for which the coronacrisis was suddenly aggravated by the energy and food crisis. The existence of most of the world’s economies within the framework of the monetary concept is becoming an increasingly heavy burden, since the crisis in these conditions is inevitable, and eliminating its consequences from time to time becomes an increasingly difficult task. In this regard, the possibilities of changing the principles of economic management become highly relevant. The paper identifies the essential aspects of the economic crisis as an integral attribute of the capitalist economic system, as well as the impact of the current global crisis on the productive forces of society. The paper emphasizes that the global crisis has actually discredited the current monetary management model, since its measures to date have not allowed neutralizing the negative consequences for the economies of the state, primarily Russia and Europe. In this regard, the question on the agenda is who will make a decision earlier than the others regarding cybernetics as the basis of a new economy management system capable of offering ways out of the global crisis.

Author Biography

Vitaly A Zhiryakov, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Postgraduate student, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Economic Crises and Change of Management Paradigm. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 96, 23-34.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Economic Crises and Change of Management Paradigm. (2023). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 96, 23-34.

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