Indicators of Economic Feasibility of Creating Supranational Organizational and Legal Forms within the Eurasian Economic Union

Indicators of Economic Feasibility of Creating Supranational Organizational and Legal Forms within the Eurasian Economic Union


  • Alexey O. Sokolov Lomonosov Moscow State University


EAEU, Eurasian company, supranational organizational and legal form of management, group of economic interests, group of territorial cooperation, mutual investments


The article is devoted to the analysis of the institute of supranational business entity forms, the possibilities of its creation in Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the choice of indicators to ensure an objective assessment of the feasibility of developing and implementing certain supranational organizational and legal forms. The reasons why the institute of supranational legal entities appeared in the last third of the twentieth century against the background of deepening regional integration processes are analyzed in detail, its main characteristics are given: establishment by a decision of an authorized supranational body; registration in one of the union countries; the possibility of carrying out activities throughout the territory of the integration association; participants (founders) must represent at least two countries of the integration association; the goals of the organization’s activities should not contradict the stated goals of integration. A brief description of the existing and currently under development models of supranational organizational and legal forms, such as a group of economic interests, a group of territorial cooperation, a joint-stock company, a cooperative, a small enterprise, a foundation, is presented. The prospects for the establishment of the institution of supranational organizational and legal form in the EAEU are assessed, the most promising and in-demand models within the framework of Eurasian integration are identified. As a result, the approaches to assessing the economic feasibility of various types of supranational organizational and legal forms are generalized by studying the dynamics of registration of economic entities, their market survival, changes in the market value of supranational companies, the readiness of economic agents for economic cooperation within the framework of supranational organizational and legal forms, etc. Furthermore, a set of indicators is substantiated that will allow an objective assessment of feasibility of introducing a supranational organizational and legal form in the EAEU: the relevance of the legal forms being established to the strategic goals of the integration association; the level of readiness of organizations and enterprises to cooperate within the framework of a supranational organizational and legal form; savings in administrative and legal costs associated with the organization and conduct of economic activity by one economic entity in several states of the integration association; the dynamics of mutual direct investments.

Author Biography

Alexey O. Sokolov, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Postgraduate student, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Indicators of Economic Feasibility of Creating Supranational Organizational and Legal Forms within the Eurasian Economic Union. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 89, 62-78.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Indicators of Economic Feasibility of Creating Supranational Organizational and Legal Forms within the Eurasian Economic Union. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 89, 62-78.

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