Non-Profit Organizations in Provision of Healthcare Services at State and Regional Levels

Non-Profit Organizations in Provision of Healthcare Services at State and Regional Levels



Non-profit organizations in health care, regulating non-profit organizations in health care at state level, health care, medical services, non-classical theory of the firm, non-state social service providers


Development of the healthcare sector in the Russian Federation integrates non-profit organizations as service providers into the medical services market in order to meet the needs of the population and increase the quality of life, which is identified with the development trends of modern models of productive healthcare systems and is consistent with the goals of sustainable development. However, in domestic conditions, the potential of socially oriented non-profit organizations (SO NPO) in the healthcare sector as service providers against the backdrop of accumulated practices of SO NPOs causes discussions in science and practice, which makes the study relevant and defines the aim — a quantitative description of the results of NPO activities in the national economy using the available statistical records of macro and micro-economic indicators. Research methods include secondary analysis of official statistics of NPOs in health care and surveys of SO NPOs in the Russian Federation in 2015–2020, including structural analysis and assessment of the dynamics of social spheres and sectors of the national economy in the production of health services, with allocation of the NPOs place; structural analysis and assessment of the dynamics of fixed assets of NCOs in health care; correlation analysis to test the relationship between gross value added and types of fixed assets of NCOs in health care. The results of the study indicate a steady upward trend in gross value added against the background of a decrease relative to other sectors in the contribution of NPOs to the total volume of gross value added in the health sector. In sectoral comparative studies, among the social spheres, in terms of the number of consumers of services of the third sector organizations, NPOs in healthcare occupy a significant place, following the industry leader — the education sector. The positive dynamics of the growth of fixed assets (FA) of non-commercial organizations in health care, which is also characteristic of the specific composition of FA, has been revealed. The results of the correlation analysis indicate the existence of a significant relationship between the gross value added and the type composition of fixed assets (buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, vehicles) of NPOs in healthcare.

Author Biography

Varvara Yu. Kulkova, Kazan State Power Engineering University

DSc (Economics), Professor, Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Russian Federation. 


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How to Cite

Non-Profit Organizations in Provision of Healthcare Services at State and Regional Levels. (2022). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 95, 81-92.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Non-Profit Organizations in Provision of Healthcare Services at State and Regional Levels. (2022). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 95, 81-92.

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