Gamification as a Technology of Human Resource Management in Innovative Companies
Gamification, game technologies, gaming techniques and tools, innovative companies, social technology, HR practicesAbstract
A special role in management of innovative organizations is played by management of employees with a high level of qualification and high demands on the place of work and working conditions. A relatively new approach to managing personnel employed in the innovative sphere is gamification which can be defined as using gaming techniques and tools in solving human resource management tasks. The purpose of the article is to clarify the range of tasks, to determine the directions and conditions for the successful use of gamification in human resource management in innovative organizations. An analysis of the experience of Russian and foreign innovative organizations has shown the relevance of using gaming techniques and tools in solving the tasks of recruiting talented employees, in increasing the level of staff motivation and involvement, in training and developing employees, and in creating conditions and specific atmosphere conducive to the disclosure and realization of their professional and creative potential. From an approach to solving one-time tasks, gamification is gradually turning into a carefully thought-out sequence of stages and actions aimed at implementing a set of tasks of human resource management on an ongoing basis. It indicates its “technological” nature, compliance with the signs of social technology. Its successful implementation in practice is facilitated by support from management, availability of a technical base, software and specialists necessary to administer the online modules of a game or a series of games, as well as assistance of game technicians, so called gamificators, methodologists and the other experts in development of scenarios and game mechanics. The need to involve a whole team of specialists in the implementation of the gamification initiative is one of the limitations of its use in small and medium-size innovative organizations.
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