Formation of Regulatory Framework of the State Policy in the Field of Alternative Energy

Formation of Regulatory Framework of the State Policy in the Field of Alternative Energy


  • Konstantin A. Ishekov
  • Semyon K. Ambartsumov


Alternative energy, renewable energy sources, regulations, public policy, government support.


Currently, the use of alternative energy in the Russian Federation is one of the promising directions of economic activity, however, compared to other countries leading in this field, the pace of its development is not sufficiently high. The wide implementation of alternative energy technologies in Russia is hindered in part by the lack of a unified state policy aimed at forming a unified legislative system capable of creating the necessary legal basis for the energy stability of the state. Based on analysis and synthesis, systemic-structural and comparative legal methods, the authors conducted a study of the current state of alternative energy in Russia and abroad, and examined the existing regulatory framework in this area. As a result of the work done, conclusions were drawn that there are collisions and gaps in some regulatory documents in the field of alternative energy, which hinder their practical application. Regulatory legal acts, due to their diversity and frequent changes, lack a systematic character, significantly impeding the development of alternative energy. Deficiencies in the content of individual regulatory legal acts were identified, including noted fragmentary nature of legal regulation in the researched area. Taking into account the above, a conclusion was made about the necessity of developing and adopting a unified legislative act that will include key aspects of the development of alternative energy, eliminate contradictions and “gray areas” in the field of regulatory regulation of alternative energy in Russia. Such a systematized regulatory legal act could be the Federal Law “On State Policy in the Field of Alternative Energy”, which would become a comprehensive document regulating the foundations of development and activities in this area of economic activity. Other regulatory legal acts affecting this sphere should be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the new Federal Law. Further development of the legislative and subordinate base in the field of alternative energy should be carried out on the basis of and in accordance with this Federal Law.

Author Biographies

Konstantin A. Ishekov

DSc (Law), Associate Professor, Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-8836-7119

School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Semyon K. Ambartsumov

Master’s degree student
ORCID: 0009-0005-7970-6069

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Formation of Regulatory Framework of the State Policy in the Field of Alternative Energy. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 105, 136-150.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Formation of Regulatory Framework of the State Policy in the Field of Alternative Energy. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 105, 136-150.

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