Formation of Organizational and Managerial Approach Based on Management of Intellectual Property Objects in the Field of International Scientific Cooperation
International scientific cooperation of higher educational institutions, intellectual property objects, management of intellectual property objects, university rating, innovation, internationalizationAbstract
The critical need to increase the competitiveness of the Russian education system in accordance with the goals formulated by the National Rating Agency “Interfax” puts forward the demand for forming, developing and implementing efficient and sustainable education policies. The object of this study is the international scientific cooperation (ISC) of Russian higher educational institutions. The subject under research is the organizational and managerial approach formed in the process of implementing ISC as the cornerstone of its effectiveness, as well as the development of its tools (based on the National University Ranking “Interfax”). The objectives of the study are two-fold: (1) to investigate predominant practices of ISC within higher education institutions and (2) to develop a custom approach ensuring the forward movement of Russian scientific centers within the ISC networks. The paper uses the methodology of the National University Ranking with regards to the parameters “Internationalization” (International and interregional cooperation) and “Innovation”, endorsed by the heads of international scientific cooperation in universities’ responsible departments. The research strategy is implemented as follows: assessment of the methodology and results of the “Interfax” agency; analysis of cooperative works stored in the Scientific Electronic Library; review of theoretical works on the research topic; and practical application of the research. The latter is concerned with developing an educational approach based on the management of intellectual property objects in international scientific cooperation of universities with engineering and technical specializations. The study shows that in 2019–2021 six Russian universities were distinguished by their excellence in the National University Ranking across the “Innovation” and “Internationalization” dimensions. Appropriate management of intellectual property objects in the field of ISC of Russian universities is implemented within ISC networks, the impact of which is reflected in publications in the NEB and is an integral part of international cooperation. The practical significance of this work lies in the formation and customization of an organizational and managerial approach in the field of ICS, based on the management of the intellectual property objects, but also in the popularization of this approach.
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