Competition and Cooperation: Two Strategies for Socio-Economic Development of Society and State (Institutional Approach)

Competition and Cooperation: Two Strategies for Socio-Economic Development of Society and State (Institutional Approach)


  • Oleg E. Kichigin Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


Competition, cooperation, social exchange, strategy for the development of social relations, institutions, institutional environment


The socio-economic development of society and the state occurs through the formation of institutional environment in which organizations use various types of strategies to achieve their goals. The work reveals the essence of “competition” and “cooperation” concepts from classical and institutional point of view, as the theoretical foundations for forming two main strategies for the socio-economic development of society and the state: competition and cooperation. The methodological features of the institutional approach in assessing the choice by the subjects of the socio-economic development of society and the state of strategies for competition or cooperation are clarified, and a concept is proposed that reflects the algorithm for such a choice. The study concludes that from an institutional point of view, the choice of a particular strategy depends on the presence and magnitude of transaction costs that arise in the process of interaction between the subjects of public relations. The paper examines the influence of strategies choice on the processes of socio-economic development of society and the state, namely: on the change (development or destruction) of infrastructural  links between the subjects of public relations; on the forms of contractual relations used by participants in social exchange. Determining the conditions for the formation of transaction costs allows us to conclude that it is possible to regulate the processes of socio-economic development of society and the state through forming and implementing institutions that can reduce the costs of social exchanges when participants choose various strategies for their interaction.

Author Biography

Oleg E. Kichigin, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

DSc (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor of the Higher School of Administrative Management of the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Competition and Cooperation: Two Strategies for Socio-Economic Development of Society and State (Institutional Approach). (2022). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 91, 66-82.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Competition and Cooperation: Two Strategies for Socio-Economic Development of Society and State (Institutional Approach). (2022). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 91, 66-82.

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