On the Issue of Criteria for Innovativeness of Business Models of Pre-University Education

On the Issue of Criteria for Innovativeness of Business Models of Pre-University Education


  • Natalia P. Ivashchenko
  • Vera G. Popova
  • Konstantin S. Sadov


Digital transformation, business models, innovation, pre-university training, online projects, competitiveness.


The digital transformation in education places new demands on pre-university education, which is an important link in preparing schoolchildren for entering universities and shaping their professional interests and competencies. However, offers for schoolchildren within universities, which represent an effective format for additional education in specialized disciplines, face competition from online platforms and courses, as well as problems with integrating digital technologies into their educational services. This reduces their attractiveness and relevance for schoolchildren, which affects university admission metrics and student motivation. This research focuses on online supplementary education projects at Russian universities, examining the degree of innovativeness in their business models as the subject of investigation. The article examines a number of issues related to the development of methodological approaches to the study of innovativeness of business models in pre-university training. The research methods include general theoretical methods such as analysis, synthesis, abstraction, as well as empirical ones: studying the experience of organizing pre-university education, researching the best domestic practices, statistical analysis of the pre-university education market and business models used, the method of assessing the innovativeness of business models elements, in particular based on frequency analysis and analysing the websites of online education project. As a result of the study, the structure of additional pre-university education and the change in its formats in the context of digitalization and the development of online education, the features and transformation of business models of traditional and modern pre-university training projects are described, and an approach to studying and assessing the innovativeness of business models based on identifying the non-standard nature of the elements used is proposed. It is assumed that the proposed methodological approach to determining the degree of innovativeness of a business model and the identified unique elements of projects provided as hypotheses for building new business models in practice will help existing projects in this area to increase their competitiveness, and companies newly entering the EdTech market — not only to present a high-quality and in-demand product, but also to become successful as a result of rapid growth.

Author Biographies

Natalia P. Ivashchenko

DSc (Economics), Professor
Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation
ORCID: 0000-0002-5917-2494

Vera G. Popova

PhD, Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Konstantin S. Sadov

Postgraduate student
Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation
ORCID: 0009-0008-1704-2641


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How to Cite

On the Issue of Criteria for Innovativeness of Business Models of Pre-University Education. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 102, 17-36. https://doi.org/10.24412/x8f4xt47



Scientific articles


How to Cite

On the Issue of Criteria for Innovativeness of Business Models of Pre-University Education. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 102, 17-36. https://doi.org/10.24412/x8f4xt47

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