Comparative Analysis of “Forgotten Allies” (Argentina, Brazil) and “Strategic Partners” (China, India) Images in the Minds of Russian Citizens

Comparative Analysis of “Forgotten Allies” (Argentina, Brazil) and “Strategic Partners” (China, India) Images in the Minds of Russian Citizens



The image of the country, political perception, images of «us» and «foes», identity, political context, Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Russia


This article provides a comparative analysis of “forgotten allies” (Argentina, Brazil) and “strategic partners” (China, India) perception among Russian citizens under the influence of political and psychological factors. The analysis is based on the results of a study carried out at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University in the framework of the project “The image of the country in Russian society: political and psychological analysis”. The methodology of the empirical part of the research is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, such as formalized interviews and projective techniques. The study is aimed at identifying the figurative and symbolic features of the perceptions of respondents from Russia about foreign countries, as well as identifying patterns in the formation of these ideas and analyzing the distinctive features of perception of “forgotten allies” and “strategic partners” images in the minds of Russian citizens. The psychological characteristics of countries images, as well as their structural components were studied. Based on the results of the study, the stated assumption that the images of “strategic partners” are formed mainly at the rational level has been confirmed. The fuzziness, cognitive poverty of practically all components of “forgotten allies” image, which prevent the emergence of an unambiguous rational choice in favor of a “friend” or “partner”, is emphasized. The conclusion is made about the complexity and versatility of “forgotten allies” and “strategic partners” images that are forming in the mass consciousness of Russian citizens. It is explained why Russians predominantly classify Argentina, Brazil, China and India as “ours” and why, in this case, it seems impossible to unambiguously endow these states with the status of “friend”

Author Biography

Irina A. Tsymbal, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Рostgraduate student, Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics,
Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian


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How to Cite

Comparative Analysis of “Forgotten Allies” (Argentina, Brazil) and “Strategic Partners” (China, India) Images in the Minds of Russian Citizens. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 86, 89-114.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Comparative Analysis of “Forgotten Allies” (Argentina, Brazil) and “Strategic Partners” (China, India) Images in the Minds of Russian Citizens. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 86, 89-114.

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