Forms of Direct Civil Participation in Local Administration in the Rostov Region: Legal Regulation and Practice

Forms of Direct Civil Participation in Local Administration in the Rostov Region: Legal Regulation and Practice



Local administration, municipal union, forms of direct civil participation in local administration, legal regulation of local administration, municipal practices, civil society


The article focuses on the modern practice of implementing forms of population direct participation in local administration in the Rostov region. The growing role of local administration in solving important issues of socio-economic development of territories on the basis of a balance between public authorities and civil society institutions determine the relevance of the topic. As a result of using an interdisciplinary approach and comparative analysis, it was possible to identify political and other features of the region in local administration, to determine the most popular forms of local self-government, to establish the general level of civil initiative of Rostov region population. The author defines the problems of conforming legal regulation with actual practice; the role of the state and civil society organizations in the development of local self-government; the features of democratic institutions functioning in the Rostov region. As analysis of the current practice shows, the most popular forms of direct democracy are formally necessary for the onset of legally consequences and are initiated by municipal authorities. It is concluded that it is necessary to expand the direct participation of citizens in all spheres of local life. It is also necessary to improve legislation on this issue, taking into account regional characteristics. It is important to update the issues of searching, developing and replicating successful practices of local self-government in the municipalities of the Rostov region.

Author Biography

Anna A. Nikitina, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Postgraduate Student, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Forms of Direct Civil Participation in Local Administration in the Rostov Region: Legal Regulation and Practice. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 88, 119-133.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Forms of Direct Civil Participation in Local Administration in the Rostov Region: Legal Regulation and Practice. (2021). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 88, 119-133.

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