Conceptual and Operational Definitions of the “Narrative” Concept (on the Issue of Automated Extraction of Narratives from Big Data)

Conceptual and Operational Definitions of the “Narrative” Concept (on the Issue of Automated Extraction of Narratives from Big Data)


  • Anna Yu. Sarkisova
  • Daria O. Dunaeva
  • Evgeny Yu. Petrov


Narrative, conceptual definition, operational definition, “narrative turn”, automated narratives detection.


One of the most promising areas in the application of Big Data analysis technologies to social sciences is the development of a methodology for automated extraction of a system of narratives related to a certain socially significant topic or event from the content of the digital media sphere. The few but actively developing studies in this area today are very chaotic both in the understanding of the term “narrative” and in approaches to its extraction. The aim of the article is using the classical concepts of narrative to highlight its cross-cutting conceptual features and to operationalize them in relation to the task of automated extraction of narratives from social networks. The conceptual basis of the key features of narrative is traced, making it popular in the conditions of the information and communication “boom”: dialogicity and intersubjectivity, selectivity of facts, relatability, axiology, construction of meanings, special rhetorical organization, overcoming the fragmentation and discreteness of data, etc. The working (operational, technological) definition of “narrative” is proposed to be considered a thematically relevant statement, explicit in the form of a simple or complex sentence, containing a judgment (affirmation or negation), summarizing the opinions of a large number of users expressed on a social network and containing an axiological position (evaluation, personal attitude to the event). The validity of the operationalization is partly determined by the type of social media discourse. For other characteristics, a system of indicators is being developed.

Author Biographies

Anna Yu. Sarkisova

PhD, Associate Professor, Research Associate
ORCID: 0000-0001-5674-0962

School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Daria O. Dunaeva

Research Associate
ORCID: 0000-0002-6622-9882

School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Evgeny Yu. Petrov

ORCID: 0000-0002-7140-7882

National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Conceptual and Operational Definitions of the “Narrative” Concept (on the Issue of Automated Extraction of Narratives from Big Data). (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 104, 77-94.



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How to Cite

Conceptual and Operational Definitions of the “Narrative” Concept (on the Issue of Automated Extraction of Narratives from Big Data). (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 104, 77-94.

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