Features of Determining and Analysing Labour Intensity and Labour Productivity in Ship Designing
Analysis of the labour efficiency, innovations, design bureau, standards, labour productivity, shipbuilding, labour intensity, labour costs, digital technologiesAbstract
The article deals with the problem of employee performance evaluation at shipbuilding design bureaus, considering the industry specifics. The existing approaches and methods of assessing labour productivity do not fully take into account the specifics of the design activities of design bureaus in shipbuilding. As a result, this can lead to an incorrect assessment of project work complexity, labour productivity and staff demotivation. In addition, this problem is aggravated by the fact that the current standards for the complexity and duration of ship design do not fully meet the modern digital technologies used in Industry 4.0. The aim of the work is to substantiate a modified approach to assessing labour intensity and labour productivity in design bureaus based on the analysis of the relationship between the concepts of the standard hour and the hour of actually spent time when designing ships. When conducting scientific research, well-known methods and techniques have been used: analysis and synthesis, generalization, grouping, abstraction, induction, deduction, comparison, analogies, study of normative reference, technical documentation and information materials. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the economic substance of labour productivity in ship designing has been clarified. Moreover, the distinguishing features of the labour efficiency evaluation in the design organization have been revealed as well as the interrelations between the definitions of “normohour” and “hour of working time” have been identified and formalized. Methods for determining labour productivity in working out of design documentation have been presented. The necessity of taking into account the inflation factor has been justified. The methods of calculating the indicator of labour productivity growth of the design bureau’s own works on a specific example has been presented. As a result, the implementation of the proposed methodical recommendations will improve the system of personnel motivation and increase labour productivity in the design bureaus of the shipbuilding industry. The main conclusions and provisions of the work can also be used in order to ensure the growth of labour efficiency in other sectors of the national economy.
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