Methodological Aspects of Evaluating Digital Projects for Their Ranking and Selection for Inclusion in Strategic Documents of the Digital Transformation of the Subjects of the Russian Federation
Digital transformation strategy, digital project, transformational impact, evaluation criterion, project ranking, valuation methodology, comparative advantage, public administration, information systemAbstract
Increasing the effectiveness of implementation of the strategic documents of the socio-economic development of
the Russian Federation constituent entities depends to a large extent on the success of the projects implemented in the region.
Digital transformation is a complex process that involves all actors in the economy, the social sphere and public authorities as
a force for stimulating this process for the benefit of the whole society in order to optimize public expenditures, improve public
administration and public service delivery. Digital transformation projects require a special approach to their development due to
the multidimensional nature of the processes involved. The aim of the study is the methodical support of the process of evaluation,
ranking and selection of digital projects developed for the implementation of the transformational transition of the economy, social
sphere and state administration on the digital basis. The article offers criteria, indicators and system for evaluating projects in terms
of their transformational effect, socio-economic benefits and readiness (degree of development) of ideas, concepts and project documentation. The result of the developed methodology is a rating of digital projects proposed for inclusion in the strategic
documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of digital transformation, on the basis of which it is
possible and necessary to decide whether to further review and implement them.
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