Values of Civil Servants in the Republic of Kazakhstan in Their Representations
Consciousness, values, picture of the world, social group, professional group, civil servants, representationsAbstract
The article discusses the results of the study of the representations of civil servants in the Republic of Kazakhstan about the values of this professional group. The relevance of the research is determined by the role of values as the strongest internal motivators and regulators of the activities and behavior of civil servants as subjects of professional activity and life. The material for the analysis was the results of a survey on the most/least significant and unacceptable for civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was attended by full-time employees of the Republic executive state authorities (n=64). Content analysis was used as a data processing tool. As a result of the analysis, the content and structure of the representations of the study participants about the values of civil servants in the Republic of Kazakhstan were revealed. It is shown that in the views of the study participants, the content of the values of civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan are the personal and activity characteristics of a civil servant as a subject of professional activity, the procedural and productive components of this activity, as well as factors external to professional activity that are more or less significant for a civil servant. It was found that in the respondents’ views, the most significant group and most significant personal values practically coincide, but at the same time there are differences in the degree of significance/value of a particular sphere of activity for the study participants as representatives of a professional group or as individuals. It has been revealed that the same value can be assessed as the most significant, insignificant and unacceptable, which fairly objectively describes the specifics of the organizational culture of the civil service in the Republic of Kazakhstan, reflects the process of respondents’ critical understanding of their professional activities and indicates the multidimensionality of their value picture of the world.
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