Motives for Entering Public Services as Factors of Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Motives for Entering Public Services as Factors of Organizational Citizenship Behavior


  • Anna V. Mordashova


Organizational citizenship behavior, extra-role behavior, motivation of public servants, prosocial motivation, behavior of public servants.


The aim of this article is to identify the relationship between motivation of public servants and organizational citizenship behavior. The motives for working at public service are: prosocial motives (desire to help society), motives for serving the state (a desire to influence important decisions for the development of the state), prestige motives and social stability motives (stability of work, wages, social guarantees). Various forms of organizational citizenship behavior of public servants have been studied (showing initiative, providing moral support to colleagues, exchanging professional experience, assistance to departments’ colleagues, state body’s employees and employees of other organizations). The issue which types of motives for working at public service are the most significant for organizational citizenship behavior has been studied. The hypothesis was tested by conducting semi-structured interviews with public servants of one of the federal executive authorities. As a result of the interviews, it was found that all state public servants tend to show organizational citizenship behavior, despite the strict framework established by their labor contracts. Public servants with prosocial motivation show all the identified forms of organizational citizenship behavior. At the same time, public servants with other motives for working at public service (serving the state, prestige, stability), tend to show organizational citizenship behavior only in certain forms (showing initiative, providing moral support to colleagues, sharing professional experience, assistance to departments’ colleagues). As a result of this research, it is concluded that prosocial motivation for working at public service is a predictor of organizational citizenship behavior.

Author Biography

Anna V. Mordashova

Postgraduate student
National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Moscow, Russian Federation
ORCID: 0000-0002-8235-5731


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How to Cite

Motives for Entering Public Services as Factors of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 102, 106-117.



Scientific articles


How to Cite

Motives for Entering Public Services as Factors of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. (2024). Public Administration. E-Journal (Russia), 102, 106-117.

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